(Video) Crohn’s made his life unbearable. But a stem cell transplant changed everything …

Mike Miceli used to go days without eating because of his Crohn’s disease. Still, he would need to make between 20 and 40 trips to the bathroom per day, and he suffered from vomiting, as well.

Doctors tried a variety of medications, but they all failed, CBS New York reports. So Miceli volunteered for a clinical trial that involved getting a stem cell transplant. The trial was led by Dr. Louis Cohen at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York.

In Miceli’s case, there’s been a huge improvement.

Watch the video:

Miceli says some days are better than others, but now he can “go out and do things without worrying a lot.”

“I’ve continued to feel pretty good,” he says.

Doctors say it’s not clear how long the improvements might last; long-term follow-up is needed.

An added benefit of the treatment for many patients is that after the procedure, medications that had stopped working become effective again.

Watch on YouTube here: Is There A Possible Cure For Crohn’s Disease?

Here’s the video description from YouTube: “CBS2’s Dr. Max Gomez has the latest on a new breakthrough procedure that may help patients suffering from Crohn’s disease.”

Read about another study in which stem cell transplants are being used for Crohn’s here.

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